Thursday, October 06, 2011

My first post in a blog

Hiya peeps.
Welcome to my blog :D
You must be wondering why now and isn't it a tad too late? Well, it took me quite awhile to settle down and think through what am I to post in a blog. And with everyONE jumping onto cyberspace to create one, will mine get lost in a sea of binary virtual presence?
Well, I believe if you have some great information in which you would love to share with your friends, families and just about everybody... this is it.

Cliché? Well, yes! But it does get the job done!

You might asked, what am I to blog about. Well... toys of course! It's a passion!
Well... my first toy was Chewbacca way back in '78! And I never looked back since then!
Of course, along the way... comics and game consoles came into the picture and are now pretty much part and parcel of my life in which I share with my family and friends!

Speaking of toys... I'm very happy to be a part of the 3ASG family. Peeps who share the love for designer vinyl figures by Kim from threeZERO and Ashley Wood. And I must say... friends we are and a bond we always share for we do have a lot in common! A camaraderie, masonic, or a fraternity, anything you want to call it... it's the common love for toys, comics, art and food which bond us together! And not forgetting my buddies from KL, Australia, Hong Kong, US, UK, etc... :D

And here, I will like to share a quote from a visionary who has just passed on, Mr. Steve Jobs...
"You can't connect the dots looking forward;
you can only connect them looking backwards.
So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.
You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.
This approach has never let me down,
and it has made all the difference in my life."

Without further ado, let's blog about toys, art and everything nice in between!

Thank you!

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